For precise pre-treatment:
Top coat
Perfect for bicolor surface coatings. The top coats completely cover the area of your choice and preserve its original surface during electroplating.
Covering varnish RED JE705n (1 kg)
Der Abdecklack Rot JE705n wird beim partiellen Beschichten von Schmuckstücken angewendet. Besonders gut geeignet ist er für statische Teile, wie z.B. Ringe. Er ist beständig gegen galvanische Elektrolyte, Salzlösungen, ozonisiertes und gechlortes Wasser. Der Abdecklack weist eine hohe Wetter- und Wasserbeständigkeit auf und ist für galvanische Elektrolyte geeignet, die bei Raumtemperatur arbeiten.
Covering varnish RED JE705n (100g)
The covering varnish red JE705n (100g) is often used for the partial coating of jewellery pieces. It is particularly suitable for static parts such as rings. Usually it is resistant to galvanic electrolytes, salt solutions, ozonized and chlorinated water. The covering varnish is weather and water resistant and especially suitable for galvanic electrolytes which work with room temperature.
Covering varnish, blue JE703 (1 kg)
The covering varnish blue JE703 is often used for the partial coating of jewellery pieces. It is particularly suitable for flexible parts, such as chains. Usually it is resistant to galvanic electrolytes, salt solutions, ozonized and chlorinated water. The covering varnish is weather and water resistant and also heat resistant.
Covering varnish, blue JE703 (100 g)
The covering varnish blue JE703 is often used for the partial coating of jewellery pieces. It is particularly suitable for flexible parts, such as chains. Usually it is resistant to galvanic electrolytes, salt solutions, ozonized and chlorinated water. The covering varnish is weather and water resistant and also heat resistant.
Top coat from Jentner
Our masking lacquer for pre-treatment is particularly suitable for so-called bicolor work. You can apply the masking lacquer to the desired areas and then electroplate your workpiece without affecting the covered surfaces. This allows you to achieve similar effects to pin electroplating, but with thicker layers.
Our range includes the blue JE703 masking lacquer, which is used for selective masking or partial coating of jewelry. It is resistant to galvanic electrolytes, salt solutions, ozonized and chlorinated water. It has high weather and water resistance and is heat-resistant. As only the top layer hardens, this lacquer is particularly suitable for flexible parts.
The red topcoat JE705n is also suitable for partial coatings and is resistant to salt solutions, galvanic electrolytes, ozonized and chlorinated water. It also has high weather and water resistance. However, it is particularly suitable for working with galvanic electrolytes that already work at room temperature. It is not suitable for flexible parts.