Ruthenium bath / ruthenium electrolyte for dark precious metal coating
The ruthenium bath is another platinum metal, which in contrast to the other baths, deposits dark to gray-black layers. This electrolyte is gloss-preserving and inspires with an extremely decorative color, which is also very consistent. It is often compared to black rhodium because their colors are quite close. Which of these looks more beautiful or better is, as with white rhodium and platinum, up to the viewer.
Black Ruthenium Bath JE12-1 - 5 g/L Ru
The black ruthenium bath JE12-1 deposits dark up to grey-black ruthenium coatings. The ruthenium electrolyte preserves the brightness and it can be obtained a high colour consistency. The layers have a good grip and impress through their decorative colour. Coatings up to max 0,2-0,5 µm can be deposited. When plating non-precious metals it is recommended to use a pre-gold layer or a pre-palladium layer.Operating data:Ruthenium content: 5.0 g/L RupH-value: 1.0 – 1.6Density: 1.036 g/cm3Operating conditions:Voltage: 2,2-3 VoltBath temperature: 65°C (60-70°C)Exposition time: 2 min. (2-4 min.)Anodes: Platinized titanium, mixes metal oxideAgitation: required, low speedCurrency density: 0.5 – 3 A/dm2Bath filtration: from 10 LiterDeposit rate: 1 – 3 mg/AminDeposit speed: 0.02 µm/min at 1.5 A/dm2Deposition data:Hardness: approx. 800 HVLayer thickness: max. 0.5 µmLayer density: approx. 12 g/cm3
1 liter