With our electroplating electrolytes, you are on the safe side when it comes to surface coating. All electroplating electrolytes are easy to use and can also be used quickly and easily by people who are not familiar with electroplating - provided the necessary accessories are available. You can find all the right components in our electroplating shop.*
The pre-gold bath JE285 is ideal to plate gold directly on stainless steels, molybdenum containing steel and nickel-base alloys which are hard to activate. Because of it's highly activative impact it can be used successfully for passive material which is difficult to plate. The gold electrolyte generally improves the adhesive properties between base material and galvanic surface.Operating data:Gold content: 3 g/LSulfuric acid content: 25 g/L (20-30)
Deposition data:Hardness: approx. 165 HVLayer thickness: until 3 µmFineness of the gold coating: >99% AuOperating conditions:Voltage: 2 - 3 VBath temperature: 20 - 30 °CExposition time: 2 - 5 min. (max. 45 min.)
Anode material: Mixed oxide (MOX)
Goods movement: required
Bath filtration: From 10 liter
Anode/Cathode surface: 1 : 1Current density: 2 - 6 A/dm2
The Adhesive nickel bath JE303 enables to build up further coatings uniformly and the adhesive strength is excellent. With the JE303 very adhesive layers, especially on hard to coat materials like stainless steel, tungsten and molybdenum can be deposited. The pH value should be kept by addition or hydrochloric acid below 1.Operating data:Nickel content: 50 g/L Hydrochloric acid: 20-40 g/LOperating conditions:Voltage: 2-6 VoltBath temperature: 18°CExposition time: 30 sec.-5 min.Anodes: NickelGoods movement: not necessary at short processing timeTank material: PPHDeposition data:Nickel: 99.9 %Density: 8,9 g/cm2Special instructions:The adhesive nickel bath contains hydrochloric acid and is not suitable for light metals and tin. The bath should always be well covered as the hydrochloric acid vapors have a corrosive effect on steel and other materials.Please note that this article is a dangerous good according to the legal guidelines. For this reason we need a copy of your business registration.Therefore we kindly ask you to send us the business registration in advance.
The black rhodium bath JE23-1 deposits dark anthracite-grey, particular decorative rhodium coatings. The layers are very abrasion resistant, colour consistent and uniform. The electrolyte is preferably used for decorative coatings in the jewellery and eyewear industry. JE23-1 is characterized by it's easy handling and usability. It works at room temperature so a time and energy intensive heating-up can be omitted. Coatings up to 0,5 µm can be deposited.
Operating Data:Rhodium content: 2,0 g/L RhpH-Value: <1Density: 1,02 – 1,07 g/cm3
Working conditions:Voltage: 2 - 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 - 27°CExposition time: 2 min. (1 - 5 min.)Anodes: Platinized titanium, mixed-metal-oxideAnode/ Cathode: 1:1Current density: 1,0 - 1,5 A/dm2Agitation: required
Deposition rate: 6 - 8mg/AminBath filtration: ab 10 LiterDeposition Data:Hardness: 300 - 370 HVLayer thickness: max. 0,5 μmLayer density: ca. 10,5 g/cm3Form of delivery:Ready for use
The JE23GO! RS NDG black rhodium bath is a pioneering solution in electroplating. Its decisive advantage is that it does not have to be declared as a hazardous material, which enables uncomplicated international shipping. The application at room temperature minimizes the effort required for heating and simplifies the process considerably.This product is ideal for decorative coatings in the jewelry and eyewear industry. It produces dark anthracite-grey coatings that are characterized by excellent abrasion resistance, colour consistency and uniformity. The black rhodium electrolyte JE23GO! RS NDG black rhodium electrolyte offers simple bath management and user-friendly handling. It enables the precise deposition of layers down to 0.5 µm, which supports a wide range of applications in electroplating. Operating Data Rhodium content: 1,0 g/L Rh pH-Value: <1 Density: 1,02 – 1,07 g/cm3 Deposition Data Color, L-Value: 48 - 50 Hardness: 300 – 370 HV Layer thickness: max. 0,5 μm Layer density: ca. 10,5 g/cm3 Working conditions Voltage: 2,5– 3,5 Volt Bath temperature: Ca. 20°C (RT) Exposition time: 5 min. (3 – 15) Anodes: Platinised titanium or mixed-metal-oxide Anode/ Cathode: 1 : 1 Current density: 1,0 – 1,5 A/dm2 Agitation: advantageous Bath filtration: ab 10 Liter Deposition rate: 6 – 8mg/Amin Form of delivery Ready for use 1 g/L
The black rhodium bath JE23GO! RS NDG represents an innovative technology in electroplating. An outstanding advantage of this product is that it is not classified as dangerous goods, which ensures problem-free worldwide shipping. Application at room temperature reduces the energy required for heating and optimizes the process.Particularly suitable for decorative coatings in the jewelry and eyewear industries, this bath produces dark anthracite-gray coatings with remarkable abrasion resistance and color consistency. The black rhodium electrolyte JE23GO! RS NDG black rhodium electrolyte is characterized by easy handling and effortless bath guidance. It enables the precise deposition of layers down to 0.5 µm, making it versatile in various areas of electroplating.Operating DataRhodium content: 2,0 g/L RhpH-Value: <1Density: 1,02 – 1,07 g/cm3Deposition DataColor, L-Value: 48 - 50Hardness: 300 – 370 HVLayer thickness: max. 0,5 μmLayer density: ca. 10,5 g/cm3Working conditionsVoltage: 2,5– 3,5 VoltBath temperature: Ca. 20°C (RT)Exposition time: 5 min. (3 – 15)Anodes: Platinised titanium or mixed-metal-oxideAnode/ Cathode: 1 : 1Current density: 1,0 – 1,5 A/dm2Agitation: advantageousBath filtration: ab 10 LiterDeposition rate: 6 – 8mg/AminForm of deliveryReady for use 2 g/L
The black rhodium bath JE23-1 deposits dark anthracite-grey, particular decorative rhodium coatings. The layers are very abrasion resistant, colour consistent and uniform. The electrolyte is preferably used for decorative coatings in the jewellery and eyewear industry. JE23-1 is characterized by it's easy handling and usability. It works at room temperature so a time and energy intensive heating-up can be omitted. Coatings up to 0,5 µm can be deposited.Operating data:Rhodium content: 2,0 g/100ml RhpH-Value: <1Density: 1,02 - 1,07 g/cm3
Working conditions:Voltage: 2 - 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 - 27°CExposition time: 2 min. (1 - 5 min.)Anodes: Platinized titanium, mixed-metal-oxideAnode/ Cathode: 1:1Current density: 1,0 - 1,5 A/dm2Agitation: requiredDeposition rate: 6 - 8mg/AminBath filtration: ab 10 LiterDeposition data:Hardness: 300 - 370 HVLayer thickness: max. 0,5 μmLayer density: ca. 10,5 g/cm3Form of delivery:Concentrate form 2 g/100ml Rh for 1 litre bathConcentrated bath preparation:Mix 100 ml of the Rhodium JE88 concentrate with 900 ml distilled water.
The black ruthenium bath JE12-1 deposits dark up to grey-black ruthenium coatings. The ruthenium electrolyte preserves the brightness and it can be obtained a high colour consistency. The layers have a good grip and impress through their decorative colour. Coatings up to max 0,2-0,5 µm can be deposited. When plating non-precious metals it is recommended to use a pre-gold layer or a pre-palladium layer.Operating data:Ruthenium content: 5.0 g/L RupH-value: 1.0 - 1.6Density: 1.036 g/cm3Operating conditions:Voltage: 2,2 - 3 VoltBath temperature: 65°C (60 -70°C)Exposition time: 2 min. (2 - 4 min.)Anodes: Platinized titanium, mixes metal oxideAgitation: requiredCurrency density: 0.5 - 3 A/dm2Deposit rate: 1 - 3 mg/AminDeposit speed: 0.02 µm/min at 1.5 A/dm2Bath filtration: from 10 Liter
Deposition data:Hardness: approx. 800 HVLayer thickness: max. 0.5 µmLayer density: approx. 12 g/cm3
Form of delivery:
Ready for use
The bright nickel bath JE300 can be used for different decorative or technical applications. It is suitable for frame and barrel plating. The bath is strongly levelling and creates an excellent brightness.Operating conditions:Voltage: 2-4 VoltBath temperature: 60 °CExposition time: approx. 2 min. (for 1 µm)Anodes: NickelCathode surface: approx. 1:1Current density: 1 - 6 A/dm²Pretreatment: Adhesive and spot-free surfaces can only be achieved on properly pretreated surfaces.Please note that this article is a dangerous good according to the legal guidelines. For this reason we need a copy of your business registration.Therefore we kindly ask you to send us the business registration in advance.
The brightening silver bath JE 36 grants extremely white fine silver plating results and is ideal for silver plating in the field of decoration and technique.
Operating data:Fine Silver Concentration: 36 g/L AgPotassium cyanide concentration: 150 g/L
Operating conditions:Voltage: approx. 0.5 - 1.2 VoltBath temperature: 20 - 30°CExposure time: approx. 2 min.Anodes: Fine silver Anode/Cathode surface: 1:1Agitation: necessaryCurrent density: 0,1 - 3 A/dm²Exposure time: approx. 0,5 μm/min at 1A/dm²Deposition rate: 65 mg/Amin
Bath filtration: from 10 litres
Deposition data:Hardness: approx. 110 HVLayer density: approx. 10,4 g/cm3
Layer thickness: 99,5 - 99,9 % Ag
Form of delivery:- Ready to use- Salt form from 100 liters (salt form + brightener solution)
Please note that this article is a dangerous good according to the legal guidelines. For this reason we need a copy of your business registration.Therefore we kindly ask you to send us the business registration in advance.
The color gold bath JE100 - fine deposits decorative gold layers in fine gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 10,5 (10-11)Density: 1,035 g/ml (1,030-1,040)Operating conditions:Voltage: 6 VoltBath temperature: 60°CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 litreBath filtration: from 10 litreAnode- /cathode surface: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:-Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath JE210 - 18ct deposits decorative gold layers in 18ct color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 10,5 (10-11)Density: 1,035 g/ml (1,030-1,040)Operating conditions:Voltage: 6 VoltBath temperature: 60°CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 litreBath filtration: from 10 litreAnode- /cathode surface: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:-Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath JE310 - rosé deposits decorative gold layers in rosé gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 10,5 (10-11)Density: 1,035 g/ml (1,030-1,040)Operating conditions:Voltage: 6 VoltBath temperature: 60°CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 litreBath filtration: from 10 litreAnode- /cathode surface: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:-Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath JE340 deposits decorative gold layers in red gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 10,5 (10-11)Density: 1,035 g/ml (1,030-1,040)Operating conditions:Voltage: 6 VoltBath temperature: 60°CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 litreBath filtration: from 10 litreAnode- /cathode surface: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:-Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath cold JE400 - fine deposits decorative gold layers in fine gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant colour. The color gold baths of the product line JE4xx work with room temperature so there is no heating element needed.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 11,5 (11 - 12)Density: 1,065 g/ml (1,060 - 1,070)Operating conditions:Voltage: 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 °CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 LBath filtration: from 10 LAnode- /cathode surface: approx: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The colour gold bath cold JE411 - 14ct deposits decorative gold layers in 14ct colour. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant colour. The colour gold baths of the product line JE4xx work with room temperature so there is no heating element needed.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 11,5 (11 - 12)Density: 1,065 g/ml (1,060 - 1,070)Operating conditions:Voltage: 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 °CExposition time: 15 - 20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 LBath filtration: from 10 LAnode- /cathode surface: approx. 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath cold JE421 - 18ct deposits decorative gold layers in 18ct color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color. The color gold baths of the product line JE4xx work with room temperature so there is no heating element needed.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 11,5 (11-12)Density: 1,065 g/ml (1,060-1,070)Operating conditions:Voltage: 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 °CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 LBath filtration: from 10 LAnode- /cathode surface: approx. 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath cold JE431 - rosé deposits decorative gold layers in rosé gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color. The color gold baths of the product line JE4xx work with room temperature so there is no heating element needed.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/lpH-value: 11.5 (11-12)Density: 1.065 g/ml (1.060-1.070)Operating conditions:Voltage: 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 °CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 LBath filtration: from 10 LAnode- /cathode surface: approx. 1:1
The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.
Form of delivery:Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath cold JE434 - red deposits decorative gold layers in rosé gold color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color. The color gold baths of the product line JE4xx work with room temperature so there is no heating element needed.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 11.5 (11-12)Density: 1.065 g/ml (1.060-1.070)Operating conditions:Voltage: 3 VoltBath temperature: 20 °CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 LBath filtration: from 10 LAnode- /cathode surface: approx. 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The color gold bath JE110 - 14ct deposits decorative gold layers in 14ct color. The attainable layer thickness is max. 0,1 micron. The gold electrolyte contains no free cyanide and therefore it can be deposited over a long period with a constant color.Operating data:Gold content: 1,0 g/LpH-value: 10,5 (10-11)Density: 1,035 g/ml (1,030-1,040)Operating conditions:Voltage: 6 VoltBath temperature: 60°CExposition time: 15-20 sec.Anodes: Stainless steelGoods movement: from 10 litreBath filtration: from 10 litreAnode- /cathode surface: 1:1The color of the deposite may change due to deviations in the working conditions.Form of delivery:-Ready for use 1 g/L Au
The copper bath (acid) JE540 is a universally applicable electroplating electrolyte. It is suitable for frame and barrel plating. Because of its excellent throwing power and adehesive strength the electolyte is often used as an under coat before further electroplating processes. The copper layers are fine-grained and slightly bright and create a very good adhesion between base material and final layer.Operating data:Copper content: 55 g/L (45 – 65)Sulfuric acid content: 60 g/L (55 – 75)Chloride content: 70 mg/L (50 – 100)pH-value: < 1Operating conditions:Voltage: 1,6-3 VoltCurrent density: 1 - 6 A/dm²Bath temperature: 20-30 °CExposition time: 2-15 min.Anodes: copperGoods movement: requiredBath filtration: from 10 literTank material: PPH, PP or PEDeposition data:Hardness: approx. 220 HVLayer density: 8.9 g/cm³
Please note that this article is a dangerous good according to the legal guidelines. For this reason we need a copy of your business registration.Therefore we kindly ask you to send us the business registration in advance.
The Cyanide Copper Bath JE550 is suitable for frame and barrel plating. Because of its excellent throwing power and adehesive strength the electolyte is often used as an under coat before further electroplating processes. The copper layers are fine-grained and slightly bright and create a very good adhesion between base material and final layer.Operating data:Copper: 35 g/l CuPotassium cyanide: 25-35 g/L KCN freepH-value: 11 - 12Operating conditions:Voltage: 0,5-3 VoltBath temperature: 50-60 °CExposition time: 2-15 min.Anodes: copperAnode/Cathode surface: 1 : 1
Agitation: required
Current density: 1 - 3 A/dm2
Bath filtration: from 10 liters
Suitable fine-silver anode 100x50x2 mm for Comfort II, Digital II Version 2.0 or 1,5 liter tanks. These anodes are suitable for silver baths. Please note that the fixation is not included in the delivery. They have to be ordered separately.
The 50ml bottle of the gold bath JE270-1 - 14ct is especially suitable for partial plating, for multi-colour processeing and reparation or restoration. The deposited coatings have a nice 14ct gold colour. JE270-1 deposits uniform gold layers and has a strong colour consistency.The plating layer created by pen plating is very thin. If you would like a thicker layer, we recommend that you treat the goods in a normal electroplating bath.Gold content: 1g Au/50 mlVoltage: 6-8 VoltBath temperature: Room temperaturePlease note that this article is a dangerous good according to the legal guidelines. For this reason we need a copy of your business registration. Therefore we kindly ask you to send us the business registration in advance.
Das Stiftgoldbad JE270-1 eignet sich hervorragend zur partiellen Beschichtung mittels Stiftgalvanik, für Multicolor-Arbeiten und für Reparatur- bzw. Restaurierungsarbeiten. Die erzeugten Schichten haben eine schöne 14kt Goldfarbe. Der Elektrolyt überzeugt außerdem durch eine schnelle und gleichmäßige Abscheidung und durch seine Farbintensität.Die durch Stiftgalvanisieren erzeugte Auflageschicht ist sehr dünn. Sollten Sie eine stärkere Auflage wünschen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Ware im normalen galvanischen Tauchbad zu behandeln. Schmuckteile, die nicht galvanisch behandelt werden sollen, müssen Sie dann mit einem entsprechenden Lack abdecken.Goldgehalt: 2 g/100ml AuSpannung: 6-8 VoltBadtemperatur: RaumtemperaturBitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Produkt nur an Wiederverkäufer, berufsmäßige Verwender oder öffentliche Forschungs-, Untersuchungs- oder Lehranstalten abgeben werden darf.Aus diesem Grund benötigen wir vorab eine Kopie Ihrer Gewerbeanmeldung oder des HR-Auszugs.
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If you are unsure, you will find a suitable product description for each electrolyte that explains how to use it. This makes surface coating much easier. Discover our wide range of products in the electroplating online shop here.
*Please note that our products may only be supplied to resellers, professional users or public research, research or teaching institutions. For this reason, we require a copy of your business registration or HR extract in advance.
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